The universe of INNERMETRIX® solutions
According to the needs of our customers, and according to the nature of the intervention, we use the range of tools Innermetrix® (measurement of the interior), leader in the development of diagnostic tools of HR organization and instrument. psychometric assessment.
N ° 1 in the USA, present on 5 continents, Innermetrix® is an innovative phygital concept for identifying, evaluating and developing talents. Some 8 million profiles have been produced to date.
Innermetrix® optimizes, through personal and professional influence, employability, team synergy and authentic management, thus allowing everyone to give the best of themselves without consuming energy. It is also a tool which promotes the improvement of vocational guidance.
Smart Talent Profiling - ADVanced Insight®
The ADVanced Insight® Profile brings together in a single questionnaire the analysis of Talent through 3 dimensions resulting from the research of 3 world-class schools of psychology:
Individual mental skills
behavioral preferences
motivational values
A + D + V
Attribute Index® : What do we prioritize when making our decisions? Who is our thought pattern?
School of Axiology: Thinking Scheme (Hartman)
DISC index®: How do we act? - what are our natural and adapted behavioral preferences?
DISC behavioral model (Marston)
Values Index® : Why are we taking action? - what are our motivational values?
Attitude models (Spranger)
Smart Talent Profiling - ADVanced Insight®
ADV innovations
A 100% online survey in 30 minutes
Automatic delivery of results in the form of expert or summary reports
A click-and-drag preference reporting mode that ensures no data is lost
Axiology in the service of operational objectives
The answers to the questionnaire also make it possible to define your model of thought in comparison with the 26 models of thought or "patterns" modeled by Axiology (1 pattern called "external" and one pattern called "internal" for each of us)
The largest catalog in the psychometrics market, assessing the level of development of 78 individual skills
13 standard operational repositories integrated into the tool by default and can be compared to the 2 thought models corresponding to you
100% modular, made-to-measure standards.
Smart Organizational Profiling
360 ° OHC Enterprise
The OHC 360 ° (Organization Health Check-up) is a tool in the Innermetrix® suite that measures the health and organizational efficiency of the company.
The OHC 360 ° was developed to help executives better assess the overall level of performance of the company, by measuring 11 essential dimensions of its success.
We thus obtain a “snapshot” of the company's strengths, areas for improvement and opportunities, based on the diagnosis of its own players. This allows decision makers to focus their efforts in the right places and improve the overall performance of their services.
Smart Organizational Profiling - 360 ° OHC Entreprise
Each of the 11 strategic dimensions of the company consists of 5 key performance indicators [55 questions]. These indicators are then combined into a single score to represent the overall performance of each dimension on a scale from 0 to 5.
The OHC report includes 1 synthetic radar chart and detailed tables by dimension.

Why do we use Innermetrix® tools?
Because this suite of tools has multiple benefits, both in individual coaching and in team coaching.
Here are a few :
Allow the individual, the group, the organization to get to know each other better
Allow the individual and the group to “make aware” of their talents
Allow individuals to learn from their differences
Lower the level of judgment on oneself and on team members to facilitate benevolent interpersonal communication
Promote better team cohesion / performance by relying on an interactive and collaborative group dynamic
Create increased trust between people who acquire a new "global flexibility" between them.