G&L Shift featured at the Partners Club @La Radio Des Français Dans Le Monde
Managing in a multicultural context, Learnings from our exclusive Webinar
We were there! 1st Francophone Coaching Congress by ICF Synergie
Developing intercultural skills at the time of Hybrid Work and Inclusive Diversity
D-1! : The Conferences by G&L Shift at the Barcelona Francophone Women Entrepreneurs' Fair:
What are the competencies that a coach must be able to demonstrate?
Coaching 3.0: an interactive digital platform for our international coaching
Podcast "Expat Pratique": Sandrine Gelin-Lamrani guest on La Radio des Français dans le Monde
What are the competencies that a coach must be able to demonstrate?
Intercultural intelligence, an essential leverage for more inclusion and diversity in organizations
Our journey and our work featured in BRAINZ. Magazine
Organizational Change and Empathy
Coaching : an alliance between the coach and his/her clients...
Looking for a recognised Professional Excellence?
The power of collective facilitation in team coaching
What is the global consumer awareness of coaching today?
How leading diverse teams may be one of today's biggest managerial challenges/opportunities...
🌎 Intercultural intelligence : how can we leverage cultural differences to expand our potential?
Coaching your team to reach your goals faster with more sustainable results