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Sandrine Gelin-Lamrani

My Articles

Coach Certifiée à Barcelone en Espagne G&L Shift Sandrine Gelin Lamrani

Sandrine Gelin-Lamrani, "Directrice et Fondatrice"

Founder CEO - G&L Shift®

ICF Certified Coach

Graduate of

IEP Strasbourg & MS SMIB ESSEC

sciences po Strasbourg
Essec Business School Paris-Singapore

In our support profession, whether in coaching, training or advice, the written medium is of particular importance. It is in fact by consulting books, specialized magazines, newspapers, presentations and brochures, websites dedicated to the questions that concern us, that we keep ourselves informed and trained continuously.


What could be more natural, then, than to have developed an activity as a “contributor” to writing, throughout my career, whether as a student, employee, trainer, consultant, coach, international serial entrepreneur. My first works were published when I was still a student at the IEP of Strasbourg in France, around general culture themes. I then developed, as co-author, themes linked to my jobs as a consultant, trainer, as well as my status as a managing entrepreneur – public speaking, meeting management, professionnal interviews, welcoming posture.


As the digital age progressed, I moved to another form of writing by creating editorial content for the websites of the companies I managed, as well as their digital communication media, by posting regularly on social networks – and in particular on the one to which I have belonged for around twenty years, Linkedin – by writing articles as an Executive Contributor for web media (Brainz Magazine,, Equinox, etc) of which here are some examples:

BRAINZ Senior Level Executive Contributor
Expat Pro
Equinox - L'actu de Barcelone en français
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