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Participating in the professionalization of the coaching profession...


... and in the evaluation of our future peers: a mission that is close to our hearts

Participer à la professionnalisation du métier de coach et à l'évaluation de nos futurs pairs : une mission qui nous tient à cœur
Participer à la professionnalisation du métier de coach et à l'évaluation de nos futurs pairs : une mission qui nous tient à cœur

At a time when coaching is developing all over the world, I am delighted and honoured to work on the professionalization of the coaching profession. Since the end of last year, I have been acting as a professional jury for the French "Professional Coach" certification exams (RNCP Professional Title - Level 6).

Evaluating one's future peers is an exercise that requires rigor, listening, insight, dexterity and... humility. It is also a time that allows us, the juries, to take a step back from our own practice environment, as we can be immersed in worlds, paths and objectives that are different from our own.

This is also what I particularly appreciate in this exercise, which is essential for those who want to contribute to the professionalization of our wonderful profession.

To learn more about the RNCP Professionl Coach Certification (French national referential),

click here.

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