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The advantages of using an ICF certified coach


As a company or an individual, do you want to choose your coach with a view to high standards and reliability? The certification issued by the ICF * (International Coaching Federation) to coaches who have met its requirements provides various benefits to companies and individuals who engage in a coaching process.

It certifies that the coach:

  • has followed specific training dedicated to the coaching profession and the practice of coaching

  • masters the 8 skills of the Standard developed by the ICF, essential for anyone wishing to work as a coach

  • masters the knowledge and works within the framework of the coaching culture, through a process of continuous training and mentoring by a coach-mentor authorized in this direction

  • undertakes to respect the code of ethics of the ICF which provides for standards of practice consistent with exemplary ethics

  • Demonstrated a level of competence allowing the rapid establishment of a solid relationship of trust between himself and the coachee.

  • Uses a proven coaching process, which promotes optimal development of their potential in the coachee

  • Will be able to achieve significant results, constituting a tangible return on investment.

ICF certified coach (ACC), Sandrine Gelin-Lamrani is committed to you and your teams. To check your Digital ACC Badge, click here

“As a member of the ICF since 2019, I am dedicated to coaching excellence and ethics as defined by the world's largest and most influential professional coaching organization. "

* The largest coahing federation in the world, The International Coaching Federation, created more than 25 years ago, now has more than 35,000 members in 119 countries. Its main mission is to advance the profession, setting high ethical standards, providing independent certification and creating a global network of accredited coaches. All of its actions aim to strengthen the voice and credibility of coaching around the world.

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