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What are the competencies that a coach must be able to demonstrate?


Focus on competency 5 of the ICF framework:

Maintaining presence

What are the competencies that a coach must be able to demonstrate? Quelles sont les compétences qu'un coach doit savoir démontrer ?  Zoom sur la compétence 4 du référentiel de l'ICF : incarner un esprit Coaching
What are the competencies that a coach must be able to demonstrate? Zoom sur la compétence 4 du référentiel de l'ICF : incarner un esprit Coaching

In a world where the diffusion of professional coaching continues to grow, the International Coaching Federation (ICF) has been defining the core competencies used by professional coaches for more than 25 years. Those core skills include 8 distinct competencies, the fifth of which consists of "Maintaining Presence", i.e., the coach is fully conscious and present with the client, employing a style that is open, flexible, grounded and confident

In practical terms, this means that the coach :

  • Remains focused, attentive, empathetic and responsive to the client.

  • Demonstrates curiosity during the coaching process.

  • Manages his/her emotions to stay present with the client.

  • Demonstrates confidence in working with the client's strong emotions during the coaching process.

  • Is comfortable working with not knowing.

  • Creates or allows space for silence, pause or reflection.

In our coaching practice, we deploy this skill :

  • creating an environment that elicits presence (anchoring, pausing, silence, welcoming emotions)

  • by synchronizing with our clients, in a form of true "dance

  • keeping a deep Socratic curiosity towards our clients

  • trusting our clients' emotions and our own

To learn more about our competencies as an international professional coach, check the ICF Core Competencies:

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